Saturday, November 14, 2009

MORNING people:)

It's 12.25am now:D

How awesome.
I wanted to go offline at 11.30pm to finish up the Birthday card but.
I end up playing Solitaire & Hexic with Kevin until now-_-

I Love It:D

I feel so full now.
Thanks to my dad.
He forced me to eat biscuits-_-

I seriously dislike people forcing me to do something.
It's like so .. annoying.

I shall exercise tommorow:D
& go to the park on Sunday morning because I will be gaining weight tomorrow-_-

How retarded is that.
Much retarded.

I hate it so much:)

I don't want to eat cake-_-
I don't want to eat rice-_-


I want to eat icecream(:

I have a problem. Seriously.

& I am proud of it.

I need a break.
I need a kitkat:)

It's been long since I last ate Kit Kat anyway O:
But I'm not craving for it:)

And by eating less, I save money:D
Such a lame theory.

I feel so retarded now Ox

& I miss you so much ):

I hate this feeling now-_-

I have to finish the card today, as in NOW.

Sweet Dreams readers8D

; Baby, you're mine :)