Monday, November 16, 2009


I slept about 12hours or more from 12something yesterday until 12something today:D
I love that feeling:)

But I don't like it after we sleep for too long & we get tired-_-
aha. Gosh.

I do feel tired now(:

After I woke up then my grandma started to scream and hit me-_-
Just because I didn't answer her when she called me-_-
I was sleeping for goodness sake.

& even if I did reply, she would be shouting, calling me again-_-

So fcuk it:)

I was so angry and pissed, I stomped upstairs and I went back to sleep again:D
How awesome right.

Then I slept about an hour and I wanted to try watching the 27 Dresses again(:
and YAY:D
It worked. thank God:)

It's kind of a nice movie8D
I rate 7/10(: EHE.

After watching the movie, here I am blogging now.

I think I'm a little high now O:
Is that a good thing?
I have no idea:)

I am going to watch the drama tonight:P

& I am going to off at uhm 4.45pm(:


; ILYsayangs;)