Friday, March 26, 2010

Today is a Friday and I am so lifeless sitting in front of my computer blogging

How annoying right.

Anyway, today school was okay:)

Jo Yee went for Kem Muafakat & Phei Fern didn't come ):

Thank God, Li Yen and all came :D

So.. We had our Malay in the library.

Did bacaan and I managed to finish 4 books :D


Went to Biology lab, did some potato experiment thingy LOL.

Slept in class :x


Had english and I like english classes :D

Melvin freaked me and Li Yen Ox

La la la, then was Moral.

Pn Mariati is so funny:)

Overall, today is okay:)


No offence but I am a loner.