Friday, April 16, 2010

Omgee, I feel like changing my blog skinO:

But I am so lazy to redo everything & I am afraid I will screw them up.

So I don't think I want to mess with it:x

I currently miss Nicholas Teo's songs):

I wonder when will he be holding another concertO:

I mau pergi:)

Shit lar, I am getting fatter day by day.

I know it's good but I think I am over doing it-_-

Which is really bad.

Aiks, I need to get up early tomorrow):

I want to go to the SPCA thingy but I can't.

How awful):

I am going to KLCC next week:D


I didn't take LRT with my friends beforeO:

I know I am so ulu lar:b

I hope Phei Fern will be okay:3

& Poh Wei! She doesn't like her, no worries:)