Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Oh heylo people:)

I am feeling gooood:D

But for no reason though:P

Anyway! Today school was fine:)

Worst time was during Physics periods.

Seriously screw the teacher lar):

Thank God she didn't scold me:x

Uhmm yesterday was a-ha-ha-ha.

Nearly fainted.

This is like my second time but this time I didn't throw upOx

Thank God.

If I fall, I wonder what will happen:d

Then went home early, consult a doctor and I am fine LOL.

He said I need more energy-_-

& for some reasons I don't like it.

Then came home, ate and went to sleep:)

Got up, went for Phei Fern's suprise party :D

Awesome time:)

Happy belated Birthday Phei Fern & Siew Ho! :)

And get well soon, Darryl:)

I am feeling so much better now but just full O:

A la la la I feel borred)<

I shall upload some pictures from Facebook later but most is at Facebook:D